First, this blog will be arranged in what might seem a very rushed manner. Thats because it is. I originally created this blog a few weeks back on tumblr, but it appears to have deleted itself due to corrupt data. Thanks Tumblr!
So I have to re-post everything here. I don't know why i didn't use blogger anyway, its much better :)
Anyway, this blog poses as my research pages for one of my final projects this year, Preparation for Level 6. This project is aimed at getting us ready for the workload next year (yay more work!), in particular, the dissertation (yessss, I love writing thousands of word essays!)
Although the future may seem bleak, this project could be pretty interesting.
We are first to write a list of things that interest us.
(bear in mind, like i've said, i've already done this, and I am much further already, just play along)
This list also needs to be visually interesting.
From this list we take our top 3 words and write a short 100 word text about them. This will give us a basis to begin research on these subjects.
Once we have done our research, we must give two presentations in the style of Pecha-Kucha. This is a style of presentation where we are not in control of the slideshow. We set up 20 slides/pictures which play for 20 seconds each then move to next, meaning a good structured script will be in order to keep up with the screen. In total, the presentations will last 6m40s each.
Our first presentation is based on our research into our three words, and our second is how this will direct our dissertation choices next year.
It does sound pretty intense, but I am looking forward to doing some research on subjects I am interested in. So lets begin!
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