Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Research: Film - Animation

I'm going to start by looking at how film has progressed in my specialism.

Animation has had a huge boost from new digital technologies. Many animated films are created mostly on computers using advanced software packages.
But these resources haven't always been around.

Snow White and the seven dwarfs, 1937
Disney's retelling of 'Snow White and the seven dwarfs' in 1937 is considered the first full length fully animated feature. As technology was not as advanced as it is now, most of the film had to be drawn and painted out frame by frame. In total, around 1.5 million frames were drawn out to create the film, which took about 3 years to develop.
Although it did win awards for best animated feature, I don't think it would attract a young audience like it did back then.

Monsters Inc. 2001
The young audience today are attracted to likeable characters, not necessarily proportionally accurate, bright colours and a sense of humour which doesn't patronise them.

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